No Fins Course

No Fins Course

Learn No Fins with Dean Chaouche

No Fins Freediving!
In this course I teach you everything No Fins. Throughout the course I aim break down each component of the entire technique in detail with both pool and depth thought technical analysis and practice. After completing the course you’ll go away with a host of training drills to perfect both your technique and progress your freediving in general. I also supplement the in water training with dry mobility/flexibility exercises to improve the way you move and to continue your progression outside of the water.

My Experience

No fins freediving has been my main focus since going full time with my training. I began my journey in Dahab back in 2014, in a month I quickly went from 45 to 67m and new then that this was the discipline for me. A few months later and I was at 72m, 2 years later and I broke the 80m barrier, but it has not been an easy journey, and No Fins requires a huge amount of dedication. I will say that No Fins transfers easily into all other disciplines, but not the other way around.

Click here to watch my deepest official CNF dive.

This is by far the most enjoyable course I teach and I love to see my students progressing, but most of all I aim to ensure everyone enjoys the process. This is a key message in all of my courses and no less important when learning how to dive without fins. Over the course I’m aiming to distill all of my dedication and training into 2 days, compiling technical theory sessions along with pool drills and training tables. You’ll leave the course with a solid idea of how to approach technique training, pool training and how to continue your training dry.

Course Structure

I teach many different course structures, usually the course would take place over a weekend and would depend on whether there is access to depth. If so then we would have a combination of Pool and Depth sessions along with a Theory session first, and finishing with a Mobility session. If there is no access to Depth then we would do two Pool Sessions.

What’s Taught on A Course

  • Theory: Technical Breakdown/ Dive Strategy/ Training Approach

  • Pool Training: Technique/Training

  • Depth Training

  • Mobility/ Flexibility

If you’d like to know more, get in touch below!